
Let me introduce myself

I shut down my blog for a bit, and now I’m bringing it back with a new look and some new and old information. However, it’s still difficult for me to introduce myself. I tried last time, but that introduction fell short four years later. Hopefully, I’ll get it right this time around.

Having grown up in one of the oldest small cities in the country surrounded by history and ghosts. Yes, ghosts! One might think history and the paranormal wouldn’t make great bedfellows, but you’d be surprised. Both history and the paranormal have brought me to this point in life. I research for a Paranormal team here in my state, which brings me down rabbit holes.  I’ve also worked with a historic trust, where I learned all I could about working in a museum. 

I wear many hats, including mom, wife, researcher, paranormal investigator, and genealogist. I love going down the rabbit holes and following the breadcrumbs. I bring the rabbit holes and breadcrumbs together and have the ah-ha moments when I do. Which is more like me yelling out in my office with excitement that I found or finally could transcribe something 200-plus years old. When I do, hearing my family laugh because they know I finally found what I was looking for 

This blog will be honest, not hiding or skewing history in one direction or the other. It’s just me, facts, and maybe some questions. Sometimes, the facts that help tell the stories might be lacking, and I will be transparent if so. I originally wanted my first post to be about the historic homes I grew up in. That didn’t happen due to how hard finding information has been, but I’m getting there. I hope you enjoy going down the rabbit holes with me.

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